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How Maintaining Work-Life Balance can Enrich Your Life

Priya Johnson
We spend our lives in the pursuit of an ideal work-life balance; the perfect equilibrium where the different gears of life rotate in perfect harmony. Then why does work-life balance still elude us?.
We view life as a pizza, allocating each slice to a part of our lives, depending on the hours we spend on each. Work gets a large slice, while personal time gets a measly one.
Life is not a Pizza
After several, sincere, but disastrous attempts to reduce the work slice and increase the personal slice, we end up frustrated and defeated.
When we view life as separate slices, we’re bound to end in a burnout. Work is not a separate slice, but a part of our lives which merges with the rest of our family and social life.
What's Going Wrong?
View life as a rainbow, with each color unique, but still blending into one another. If you are to maintain work-life balance, change the way you view work.
Life is a Rainbow

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We look at work as a burden, a family-wrecker or a joy-sucker. Work is not an ulcer! Discard this notion. Your profession isn't a curse.
Work Is Not A Curse
Work imparts purpose and fulfillment to life. Besides meeting financial needs, success at work attains self-actualization.
Work is an Integral Part of Life
Balance Doesn't Mean Underachieving
Discard the notion that successful people aren't achieving work-life balance. Balance doesn't mean settling for less.
'Sacrifice' is Misconstrued
If you entirely sacrifice your career, family-life, etc. for the other, you'll end up bitter from within. Bitter people don't make good employees or family or friends.
Choose what you want in your present stage of life. Is it that promotion or do you want to focus on your family? Look within and ask yourself what you want right now.
The Choice Is Yours
Focus on the Bigger Picture
You don’t need to balance everything every single day. Meet the pressing need. Focus on maintaining balance in the long-run.
Work When At Work
When at work, give every ounce of concentration, respect deadlines, and work with passion. Don’t fret over success, it will follow suit.
Deadlines call for extra hours of work. Communicate your deadlines to your family. Once the deadlines are met, cover up for your time with your family.

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Plan family activities that show you care. Ask your spouse and children what they would like to do. Take initiative and plan accordingly.

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Work Hard, Party Harder
Guard your leisure time. Let nothing distract you from your personal time. While on vacation, be on vacation.
While on Vacation, Be on Vacation

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Personal Time

Consciously set aside time for yourself. Pay attention to your health. Eat healthy and exercise. Include hobbies that inspire your inner being.
Personal Time

Set Practical Goals
Reduce conflict between work and personal life by setting achievable goals based on your life's current stage and requirements. Communicate the same.
Based on your non-negotiables in life, take a step back from work, family or social life. Consequences will follow irrespective of the decision.
Consequences Follow

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Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017
Just as the ocean never stops sending out waves, life will never stop sending opportunities! Stay Encouraged!